The Wyoming Governor's Match

Another great year shooting the WY Governor’s match in Casper!

We had an incredible time in Casper for the Wyoming Governor’s Match this year. The stages were long and super fun, and we got to reconnect with some close friends.


Before the match, we had dinner with our good friends, Doug and Katie (of Glenrock Blue) and Mark and Cheryl (of Graff Custom). Mark smokes a mean tri-tip steak and Cheryl makes the most delicious smoked mac n cheese. Johnny couldn’t get enough of Mark’s steak!

shooting the match!

We competed on Friday and Saturday, shooting unique and challenging stages Check out how many mag pouches Stan has on… he ended up needing even more! #singestacklife

A big thank you to Jason and Brian for inviting us to sponsor this fantastic match!

Hanging out at chrono, discussing our stage plan 😝


After shooting, Mark took us on a grand tour of the Casper fire station. Thanks for showing us around, Mark!

Visiting Glenrock Blue

Since we had a whole morning to kill before the awards ceremony, we hung out with our good friends at Glenrock Blue and went prairie-dogging! Glenrock Blue is our go-to if we ever need anything blued. It’s always a treat to visit their facility! We also love hanging out with their Brittany spaniels, LC and Jasper.

Doug took us to his secret spot and glassed for Libby and Johnny. After prairie-dogging, we headed back to Stuckenhoff for the awards ceremony.


Hanging out before the ceremony starts- Mark and Cheryl came out to support!

Congrats to Stan and Libby for taking first in their divisions! Single stack shooters represent!


Before we began the long drive home, we had to stop by the Casper Dojo to say hi to our good friend Henk and his right-hand man, Alex.

After saying bye to our friends in Casper, we slowly meandered back to Durango. The views were definitely worth taking the scenic route.

Thank you to everyone who made this event special. We can’t wait for next year’s match!

The Third Rock IDPA Championship

Suns out, guns out, and plenty of fun stages in between. What more could you ask for in a perfect Memorial Day Weekend?

An American and Colorado flag waving in front of the bluffs at the Cameo Shooting and Education Complex

The beautiful bluffs at Cameo.

We (the Chen family) recently had the opportunity to shoot our 4th Rocky Mountain Regional IDPA Championship... but this time, there was a twist. Not only did we shoot the RMR this weekend, we also got to shoot a second match- the Colorado State Championship! The fantastic folks at Cameo put together 2 back-to-back Tier 4 matches, which meant every competitor got not 3, but 6 nationals points!

The Third Rock Regional is hosted at our all-time favorite range- the Cameo Shooting and Education Complex. With over two dozen pistol bays, 3D archery loops, and a long-range precision range that goes out to 2,000 yards, there is truly something for everyone here. If you haven't been, you're missing out.

Chenkin 2 and 3 driving over Red Mountain Pass.

Since Durango is only 3 hours away from Cameo, we left early afternoon on Friday. Now that all 3 Chenkins are drivers, it makes Stan's job a lot easier! #passengerprincess

In order to get to Grand Junction from Durango, you have to traverse the infamous Red Mountain Pass on the Million Dollar Highway (locals just call it 550, though). The views are unmatched, but you have to be extra cautious while driving near the thousand-foot drop.

Stage sponsor- our banner at one of the CSC stages.

We made it to Cameo just in time to check out some of the stages and say hi to some of our good friends. After making the rounds, we headed back to our AirBNB to pack some sandwiches and clean out our guns.

The next morning, we left bright and early to meet our squad and check-in. Seeing the sunrise from Cameo is a truly spectacular experience.

On Day 1, we shot the Colorado State IDPA Championship. It was 13 of some of the most creative stages ever- including a jet-ski and multiple vehicles! The Cameo staff constantly dropped off snacks at the bays, helping fuel our down-zero aspirations.

After a long and exciting 13 stages, we stopped to fulfill a match tradition we call "crush and slush!" This involves getting a frozen treat at the end of a long match- usually a slushee, but this time we opted for some good old-fashioned soft-serve at Graff's Dairy.

Now that we were 90% ice cream, we were ready to hop in the pool and then prepare for next day's match- the Rocky Mountain Regional!

The next morning, we once again headed to Cameo to shoot our second Tier 4 match in less than 48 hours. The RMR brought just as much excitement as yesterday's match, with 13 challenging, yet fun, stages.

After finishing up the RMR, it was time to head to the banquet! While we love the shooting, reconnecting with friends and making new ones is definitely the best part of every match. We're honored to be able to sponsor this match every year.

All in all, it was such a privilege to sponsor and compete in the Third Rock Regional. We want to send a huge thank you to Walt Proulx, Marty Johnson, and the entire volunteer squad. We always have such a blast at these matches. This weekend wouldn't have happened without you. We are already counting down the days until next year!


To see more of the Chen Custom family's adventures, follow us on instagram @stanchencustom!

P.S. If you have a match you would like us to sponsor, please reach out through our contact form. We love supporting the shooting sports in any way we can!